Tag Archives: suicide
Uniquely, Bipolar-ly, Me
Bipolar disorder. There. I said it. It’s what I have…my particular flavor of brain cooties. I have ups. I have downs. I also have a somewhat “normal” state. One thing I’ve learned over the past few years, though, is that … Continue reading
Posted in Health
Tagged anxiety, anxious, bipolar, bipolar 1, bipolar 2, bipolar disorder, bipolar disorder II, bp1, bp2, counseling, cry, depressed, depression, hypomania, mania, medicine, mental health, mental illness, mood swings, psychiatrist, psychiatry, sad, stress, suicide, therapist, therapy, unhappy, unipolar depression
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My Appreciation for Robin Williams
This was initially published in a different blog. As we’ve just passed the second anniversary of Williams’ death, I felt it was timely to republish it here. One look in his eyes and the suffering was there for all the … Continue reading
Posted in Health
Tagged depression, health, mental health, mental illness, Robin Williams, suicide, Williams
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